
かわいいブログのアイコンセット [Kawaii Blog Icon Set]

,so much into pixel art lately that it wasn't hard think in doing a icon pack, so enjoy another ´surprise' of StudioTO this kawaii blog icon set it was inspired by various bloggers who always seek for more cuteness to keep their blog even more kawaii, so enjoy
some of them softly bounce like a kao-ani and some others..well, you have to download this freebie to know. They're all in .gif file format.

You can place everywhere as long as you
- Do not change the icon base, color...etc
- Do not claim as yours
- Credit StudioTO

1 件のコメント:

  1. These are so adorable...I always wanted something like this for my blog but with emoticons. Unfortunately I have no talent to make them!


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